Pioneering World-Class healthcare for all

Your gift transforms lives, one story at a time.

Pioneering World-Class Healthcare For All

Creating lasting impact in healthcare through your support.

Pioneering World-Class healthcare for all

Together, we change lives with every donation.

Our Hospital

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Groote Schuur Hospital is a tertiary-level hospital known for its Firsts and innovation.

First In Africa & SA


First corneal transplant is successfully performed in the cape

First In The World


The first piggy back heart transplant performed at Groote Shcuur Hospital.

First In The World


The first HIV positive to positive kidney transplant in the Cape.

First In Public Sector


The first bone-anchored hearing aid is attached to a patient in public sector

First In Public Sector


First in SA to use Rapid Arch Technology in the sector.

First In Africa & SA


The world’s smallest pacemaker is implanted into a patient, by Ashley Chin.

Projects we support

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Surgical Recovery

There are 1000s of patients awaiting essential surgery at GSH – we...


Diabetes Centre...

Support cutting edge innovation at the the first centralised (in the...


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19 Oct 2024

Run for GSh Trust at the CT Marathon

Sanlam CT Marathon

Help us raise much-needed funds for our Hospital. Contact us today for more info.


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